Thursday 31 January 2013

Today we are updating our blog. Our P5's are learning how to do floral arrangement and what type of flowers they should use.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Youth Hands-On Day!

Today was a fun and exciting day for our (Science & Enviromental Club) members because we had an excursion to Singapore Polytechnic (SP) to break the world record of the biggest palm in Singapore! We had to stand in a palm shape and there will be strings for us to stand inside. The weather was really hot but i could take the heat of the blazing sunlight. We were totally exgausted because we had to walk all around the school! After that, we went to the carpark near our school to pick up litter and give the neighbours a magnet made by our school and some lemongrass. Me and my group members gave out the lemongrass and the magnets. We had 7 members and the rest were picking up litters and doing the same thing we did. We were really enjoying ourselves as we played with a cat. The cat was following us until level 23 and it stopped following. Me and my friends were scared as it looked scary and it was covered with black fur. After going to every level we went back to the carpark to assemble. When we settled down we helped collect all the stuff that belongs to Mdm Masnah or the other teachers. My best friend Alfian and me went back home together and we called each other about the YED Survey that has to be done on Mconline. One of our teachers from the club says that we must try to be on stage.

Signing out,
Don Lee
22 April 2012

Thursday 19 January 2012

My Experiment

Today i am learning about cells.It is really fun when u see into the microscope.We have seen many type of cells example:Blood Cells and Onion Cells.Please reply to my post!!!!

Friday 4 November 2011

My Expreience during Science & Enviromental Club!

My experience in the club is that we could learn about nature and the circle of life.We played games on reptiles,mammals,insects and birds.The game was to see if we could guess the thing that our teacher was thinking of.We had a lot of fun doing it as a group.We had 4 groups and we were excited to do it as a team.Our group was called,Nature Lovers.We have learnt about lots of kinds of birds exp.Kingfisher,Migratory,Koel,Egret and many many more.But the most important thing that i have learnt is that to work as a team and not to do it individually.When we work together we can have more ideas and more knowledge.This was my best day and game ever!!!